Sell it or find it fast and affordably with Freshwater Classifieds!

Sell it fast and sell it affordably with Freshwater News classified ads. Find real buyers with real interest – Freshwater News is the place water lovers buy and sell all kinds of water related items. Here’s what’s for sale in our current issue

  • 30 words, per issue — $25, additional words, $.75
  • Bigger and bolder type is $3.00 a line
  • Photo/text ad: (color) and 30 words of text — $50, additional words, $.75
  • Run your photo and text ad for up to 6 months — $125;30 words and color photo (boats and floating homes only) no additional chargefor phone number and price changes after first months ad has run.
  • DEADLINE – The 19th of each month

Freshwater News is published monthly on the first Wednesday


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You will receive a verification email shortly after you submit your ad.

After reviewing your ad we will email a link for you to conveniently make a payment. If you prefer, you may also call to make

payment by phone: 503.283.2733 – Local Portland, OR Metro

Please, don’t email credit card information.

The Classifieds are printed monthly in the Freshwater News and updated on our Website under the Classifieds link at the beginning of the month. To request a classified ad placement in the Freshwater News’ Classifieds, just fill in the form.
